CRTSⅠ Bi-block Ballastless Track Sleeper Prefabrication and Laying Technology 电子书

CRTSⅠ Bi-block Ballastless Track Sleeper Prefabrication and Laying Technology

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On the basis of brief introduction of different structural features and construction technology process of CRTSⅠ bi-block ballastless track,this book introduces in detail the construction process of CRTSⅠ bi-block sleeper;presents product quality control key points based on provision requirement;introduces construction preparation and construction measurement contents required to be completed before construction;introduces the basiccon struction technology process for the supporting layer of CRTSⅠ bi-block ballastless track,as well as the key technological points of mechanical method and manual form working method for sliding mode paver;introduces the construction technology process and key technological points for the protective layer on bridge surface of CRTSⅠ bi-block ballastless track;and introduces construction technology for CRTSⅠ bi-block concrete track bed.



CRTSⅠ Bi-block Ballastless Track Sleeper Prefabrication and Laying Technology是2017年由中国铁道出版社出版,作者Li Changning,Dai Yu,Sun Junhong。

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